I love people, design, change, music, words, travel, life.
Here’s a mysterious photo my friend Luke Bailey took. Felt appropriate to put here.
Have you ever had to describe a flavor or a smell? I feel this is the difficulty in writing an “about” blurb. I want to avoid just telling you my likes and dislikes…in fact you probably don’t even care that I think David Crowder and tea are great and bad drivers and bad design are horrendous. But since you’re here I assume you want to know a little about me or this website.
I hope you find my site to be rich, each concept, statement, or image being round or sharp or deep or dark or sour or heavy. Hopefully everything will be full and attractive.
As you read and observe and trek with me I hope your eyes find rest and a tailoredness similar to the weightless yet grounded sigh of completion that comes at the end of a long musical composition. I pray that as your eye sees it motivates your ears to hear and your voice to sing and the atmosphere in which you sit to press evenly against your body like a glove.
I’m convinced that good doctrine, design, delivery, and demeanor awaken, inspire, empower, and encourage people and truly change the way we live. There are a lot of things in this world that cause us to compromise the good, so this collection is to help me keep from sacrificing my passions to wasted time, selfish slumber, and hungry apathy.
“Passion can create drama out of inert stone.” —Le Corbusier